Healthy Living
It’s almost that time of year again, where summer begins and we break out the tank tops, shorts and flip flops. If you’re anything like me though, thinking about that has given you the push to start thinking about healthier choices to shed a few pounds before shedding off layers. A few of my girl friends and I have all voiced our want to make a change for the better. I thought I’d share a few life style changes we’ve come up with to get us into better shape.
It’s so hard to make good eating choices this time of year, especially with the holiday candy that was just on the shelf and I’m sure there’s another holiday around the corner that will make its way there to replace it. One thing I’ve found to be helpful is to keep a food journal. When you write down everything you are eating and drinking, it makes you mindful of the choices you are making. You can see the things you can and can’t live without. There are some great, free apps to help with this. My friends and I use My Fitness Pal. It will keep your calorie count for the day, help you set goals and you can even scan your foods in by using the barcode on packages. What could be simpler than that?
This one may sound simple, but for some people, can be difficult… Drink More Water! I especially struggle with this. Water is great for the body, as well as your skin (and what woman doesn’t want to keep her skin looking flawless?). Drinking 4 or 5 cups of water can get boring and it’s easy to reach for a coke. I found a great way to jazz up your regular water is by adding fruit! You can add lemon, berries or even cucumber to turn the boring glass of water into a refreshing pick me up! Also, finding a cute cup or water bottle may give you the extra motivation to keep it with you everywhere you go. That way you’re reaching for that instead of hitting a drive thru for a soft drink.
Now on to the big one, the dreaded exercise! Just saying it sounds tedious and it’s so hard to get motivated, but it’s so good for us. It’s hard between work, kids, and regular errands or chores to find the time to squeeze it in, but it really can help lose some weight and give you a boost in energy. I know there are few different exercise programs that only take 25 minutes a day. Also, searching on Pinterest, there are a ton of great tips and different exercises you can do from your home. They may seem small, but anything to get the muscles moving!
Whichever you decide to do, I suggest doing it with a friend. It’s definitely a test trying to make changes on your own. If you tell a friend and you decide to do it together, you can keep each other motivated and accountable. Everyone needs a cheerleader sometimes. You can set up times to get together and work out. Or just be able to text each other reminders and tips. Just do whatever you can to help keep each other keep going in the right direction.
Hopefully with some of these tips, you’ll feel confident and excited to break out the summer gear! It’s great motivation to set small goals along the way. My first reward will be a new outfit to wear in the sun. Make sure you treat yourself along the way!