Coupon Etiquette
To be a savvy shopper or not to be…that is NOT the question. The question is: do you want to save money? Couponing has gradually become more popular in recent years. The more you coupon, the more you can save! But you want to be a savvy couponer who leaves a positive impression with your fellow shoppers, local cashiers, and other couponers.
Coupons have a reputation for being a hassle — sometimes you can feel like you’re being tricked. But knowing a few tips ahead of time will make your check-out experience a positive one.
A few tips:
Fine print: Make sure you understand which product and variations are valid for purchase with each coupon. The fine print on the coupons should also give you an insight of how many coupons are allowed for each item. It’s usually one store and one manufacturer coupon per item.
Store policy: Every store has a different coupon policy, so familiarizing yourself with the store’s policy will save you the hassle of having a disagreement with the cashier regarding the coupon. Most stores have their coupon policy online so you can check before going to the store. Otherwise you can always go to customer service when you’re at the store and ask for a copy.
Share: When you find coupons that you don’t need and they are still valid, give them to someone else who may be able to use it. Remember to also share the product. When you have a coupon for a certain item, be considerate of others and don’t clear out the shelves. Leave some for your fellow shoppers.
Avoid peak hours: If you are planning to use multiple coupons for multiple items, consider shopping at a time when there’s less people. You wouldn’t want to be rushed or feel anxious about the line building up behind you. This way you can avoid others being impatient with you.
Have payment ready: This is especially important if you have a line of people waiting. By having your payment out and ready the checkout process will quicken for you as well as the others.
Also remember to thank the cashier for their help! Having a heart of gratitude toward others makes them feel appreciated for their hard work.
If you follow these simple tips, you will get what you need, while avoiding any negativity in the process. Be an example for other coupon shoppers. This will help give you and other couponers a positive impression. It’ll be worth the effort.
Need help finding coupons? Check out my blog Coupons Can Be Worth It and Organizing Your Coupon for more information on where to find coupons and how to organize them.
Savings Tip: Save time and money when you shop with Gabby’s Grocery Checklist.