Keeping Busy This Winter
It’s that time of year… Autumn is on it’s way out and Winter is on it’s way in. Here in North Texas, it’s been COLD and rainy. I don’t know about you, but Cabin Fever can start to set in pretty quickly for me. I thought of a few ways to keep busy inside, to keep from going stir crazy and be productive at the same time!
Thanksgiving is gone, so it’s time to get ready for Christmas. I know I have multiple boxes filled with Christmas decorations and things to bring holiday cheer. But I know I also have to have room to put them out. Take this opportunity to do some Winter Cleaning. It’s not the most fun project but it can really help going through the house and getting rid of the clutter. I will even go through the closet and clean out clothes I haven’t worn in the last 6 months. It’s a great opportunity to make room for new clothes from Santa and it’s a great time to donate these unworn items to places that really could use them this time of year. I usually will donate to a local mission, Goodwill or the Salvation Army. It’s also a great time to go through the kids toy chests. I know I have some good friends who have taken this time to teach their children about donating unused toys to children who may not have any this time of year. Such a great experience showing our youth how easy it is to give back to those in need.
I know I’ve had this thought before, “I have to start Christmas shopping, but it’s too cold to go out and run in and out of stores and stand in line”. This is where online shopping comes in so handy! You can sign up to receive emails from your favorite stores alerting you to their great deals so you know when to order from them. The deals online are usually the same offers they have in the stores. And the best part, most businesses will offer free shipping this time of year. No standing in line, no searching through unorganized racks and isles of clothes. It’s all at my finger tips. And it will be delivered straight to my door! Who wouldn’t love that?
Another one of my favorite things to do when it’s cold outside is snuggle up inside with a movie and some great snacks! With the holidays right around the corner, I can always find one of my favorite Christmas classics on the television. And with so many recipes and movie night ideas on Pinterest, I can make yummy drinks like Creamy Crock Pot Hot Chocolate or one of my favorite snacks, Christmas White Trash, a sweet and salty treat!
Another one of my favorite things to do when it’s cold outside is snuggle up inside with a movie and some great snacks! With the holidays right around the corner, I can always find one of my favorite Christmas classics on the television. And with so many recipes and movie night ideas on Pinterest, I can make yummy drinks like Creamy Crock Pot Hot Chocolate or one of my favorite snacks, Christmas White Trash, a sweet and salty treat!
I know it’s unavoidable to head out in the winter weather (I’ve tried calling into work due to cold weather, it’s doesn’t usually work!) Just make sure to bundle up! Hats and Scarves can be overlooked items, but they sure come in handy when it gets into those brisk weather temps! Stay warm and try to keep the Holiday Cheer!