First Day of Fall — Changing Out Your Closet
Tomorrow is the first day of fall! In theory, this should mean no more triple digit degree days and scorching hot sun, but we’ll see how Texas weather feels. I am ready for cooler days though so I have decided to start switching out my closet for fall clothes.
Choose what stays — My work clothes pretty much stay the same. It’s just the thickness of the sweaters or jackets that change. I can pair a tank top even in the winter with a coat or thick blazer. So the business part of my closet usually stays the same. I also try to keep any neutrals for my casual days that can be layered.
Only keep items that fit — I have articles of clothing that were purchased because of a deal I couldn’t pass up on final sale that are too baggy and some that are way too tight. I also have free shirts I received at events that always seem to be way too large but are useful when I’m doing something that I know I’ll get dirty, like gardening. Unfortunately all these things take up a lot of room in my closet so it’s time to throw them out! I’m going to keep things that flatter me and are comfortable so that I know I’ll wear them again.
Clean & store what’s not in season — I have plenty of shorts and tanks that I plan on keeping but not wearing for the next couple months. First I’ll clean them before putting them in a box so that I can make room for cardigans and coats.
Of course, much of the cleaning process depends person-to-person. What are some things you do to change out your closet for the new season?