Momma’s Money Saving Tips
Thank you to everyone who submitted their best tips in the Money Saving Momma Contest! There were a lot of great tips this year and I would love to share them all, but there were just too many. I couldn’t decide which tips were the best, so I asked a friend to compile her favorite top ten tips below.
1. When you figure your checkbook, roundup your checks to the whole dollar when you deduct them from your account. You will be surprised how much money you gain over the month. Use your savings to treat family to a special night out! — Donna W.
2. Kids grow out of clothes so fast it can be hard to keep up financially. I save money on new clothes a couple of different ways. I take the clothes they have outgrown to kid to kid. What is left I post on Facebook/craigslist. I don’t get much for them, but it is a big help towards new clothes. I am also a very crafty person so I look for ways to reuse. I have made my daughter several dresses from something else. She loved an apron I had with ruffles, so I turned it into a dress. I took a white t-shirt my son outgrew and sewed the apron as a skirt around it and closed up the back. Also a hot glue gun can fix foam nerf toys easily. — Mandy S.
3. Dollar Tree & Aldi are great places to buy family goods & food that meet or exceed the quality for similar name-brand products! — Sara N.
4. Stop buying bottled water. Boil your water & refrigerate. — RaAnn S.
5. I like to double up my coupons with CVS reward bucks and then turn around and use the bucks to buy other things to stretch my $. Walgreens as well, you can earn points and build up your $ for future purchases. — Sharon O.
6. My husband and I purchase a bountiful basket every two weeks for only $15! The basket includes 50% fresh fruit and 50% veggies. Having all this produce at home encourages us to eat at home and not go out to eat. Eating dinner at home saves us lots of money every month and we’re much healthier because of it. — Minerva D.
7. Just don’t stop by that store – there is no such thing as “just looking.” — Lisa W.
8. Raise household thermostat one degree. Put change daily into a jar to be deposited into a savings once filled. Give yourself a weekly cash allowance and put any cash left over in your wallet at the end of the week away (jar, envelope-safe place) to build a nest egg. — Michele C.
9. Buy generic brands whenever possible at the grocery store. I also keep a spreadsheet of all my transactions, which also helps me budget my money. — Mindy P.
10. When dining out, order water instead of a soft drink or coffee or iced tea. That can easily save $2 – $4 per person on your bill. If you HAVE to have that, stop at a drive through or a 7-11 on your way home. — Beth H.
You know when it comes to savings secrets, Momma knows best! You can see who our lucky winners are here. Don’t forget to keep checking my Facebook and Twitter for future events and contests!