Halloween Safety Tips
Halloween is tomorrow!! My house is full of excitement to go trick-or-treating and get lots of candy. I held a family meeting this past weekend to talk about safety for this Friday night and thought I’d share some of the points with my friends as well.
Young children should be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult. If your child is older and going with friends, without you, plan a route ahead of time and agree on a time for them to be home.
Wear reflective tape and/or use flashlights with fresh batteries or glow sticks so others can see you, especially if you have a dark costume.
If you have costume accessories, be sure they won’t be harmful to others who may be walking nearby.
Obey traffic lights and signs. Stay on sidewalks and look both ways before crossing the street. Stay alert for cars backing up or turning. WALK, don’t run from house to house.
Don’t eat any treats until you can get home and examine them. Only eat treats that are factory-wrapped, rather than a stranger’s homemade treats. When in doubt, throw it out!
Only trick-or-treat at homes with a porch light on. Never enter a stranger’s home.
These are just some of the things my family and I discussed. What are some safety tips that you have for a fun and safe trick-or-treating experience?